Businesses For Sale
FISHING SINKER BUSINESS For Sale Nationwide, web based sales, in business for 18 years, with a great reputation with 3,000+ long time customers. We have all files showing their names, orders, addresses, etc. Our website, registered company name, and logo go with sale. We are a corporation registered with the state of Florida and IRS. Company has average monthly sales of approx. $3,787.00 @ about 46% GP for the last 3 years. Asking $15,000.00 OBO - negotiable. We are stocking distributors and have local suppliers handling actual production. If you wish to produce your own product, we have most all molds, twin pouring stations, lift table, heavy duty storage shelving and many, many, more items needed for production for an additional $1,500.00. I'm keen to retire @ 80 years old. Come visit with us and see what we are offering. For further information, Email us: