[Barge For Sale Or Charter] FOR SALE OR CHARTER: deck barges, spud barges, material barges, hopper barges; from 60'L to 400'L. ABS and inland barges. East Coast, Gulf Coast, Mid-West. McDonough Marine Service (800) 227-4348
[Barge For Sale Or Charter] SECTIONAL BARGES, Deck Barges, Dump Scows, Hopper Barges and Spud Barges. From 10'x20' to 85'x140'. Located on East Coast & NY Canal System J-Way Leasing (440) 840-3562
[Barge For Sale Or Charter] SPUD BARGES for Excavators & Crawler Cranes up to 200 tons. 20'x50' - 110'x50' - 200'x40'. Winches & (4) point anchor systems also available for bare rental. Contact: (410) 977-0028 Smithequipment@verizon.net
[Barges For Charter] NEW YORK METRO Area: 30'x90' flat deck barges for charter; spuds optional. Contact: (516) 527-4951 Visit us online: gladskymarine.com
[Barges For Charter] SPUD, CRANE, HOPPER , Material, Carfloats, Sectionals, Oceangoing and Inland. Services include floating crane, Brooklyn NY loading berth, transportation and project cargoes, marine construction support, etc. Equipment located throughout the East Coast. Call or email us for a free quote: Hughes Marine Firms (732) 225-1212 info@hughesmarine.com www.hughesmarine.com
[Barges For Lease] BARGES FROM 8 'x18' to 45'x120'. Also, "Shugart" sectional barges & small tugs. Smith Brothers, Inc. Galesville, MD 20765 (410) 867-1818
[Barges For Lease] QUARTERS BARGE FOR Lease 3 bed 1 bath, 11 twin bunks water and diesel storage w/d, ice machine, 2 refrigerators, 2 freezers, sat tv & internet. Located in Venice, LA (504) 415-5935 chris@bmgmarinellc.com
[Barges For Rent] MC MARINE, Tank barges for rent, $10K and $30K. Contact: (251) 654-7246
[Barges For Rent] SECTIONAL BARGES RENTAL Located in FL, 40x10x5 & 60x11x4. Contact: (305) 965-8852 Email: barge@bargerent.com www.bargerent.com
[Barges For Sale] 3,000 Sqft . 3 story house on barge, fully off grid, self sustainable, (2) 44' boat slips total length 128' positive flotation unsinkable, comes with 16 spare blocks, 40’ spuds, 800 gallons water storage, 3600 watts of solar panels, LiFePO batteries and inverters under warranty, 110/220 volt, roughed in interior. $350,000 or OBO. Located Gulf Coast Alabama (251)978-2513 seal.matthew@gmail.com
[Barges For Sale] 30x11x3, STEEL, 4 Hyd. Spuds, 3 load bearing, new, $45,000. (315) 947-5331
[Barges For Sale] BUILDING SECTIONAL BARGES & Push Boats. Any truckable size. Any Questions, Call E&N Fabrication: (812) 599-0423 darrenromans@yahoo.com www.eandnfabrication.com
[Barges For Sale] DECK BARGE 110 'x30'x7' and Spud Barge 110x40x7. (281) 635-7151 marineone1st@yahoo.com
[Barges For Sale] HOPPER BARGES 195x35x13 . (281) 635-7151 marineone1st@yahoo.com
[Barges For Sale] NEW SECTIONAL BARGE . 30' x 24' x 5', 2-pin type 30'x12'x5' sections, raked 1-end, 1- compartment each. 4-12" pipe spud wells, all 1/4" plate, both on 1 truck load, priced $61,200.00 More Info Call or Email (812) 265-6255 mbb@seidata.com
[Barges For Sale] SECTIONAL BARGES BUILT , any truckable size. Portable pushboats. Sectional barges. Madison Boat & Barge, Madison, IN. (812) 265-6255 / (812) 274-5080 mbb@seidata.com www.madisonboatandbarge.com
[Barges Wanted] WANTED 80,000 - 160,000 Barrel Oil Transport Barge From Anywhere In The World Cell: (215) 350-1165 percy.res@gmail.com www.longreachhighreach.com www.ransome-equip.com
[Boat And Business For Sale] SCHOONER LIBERTE AND BUSINESS FOR SALE. Operates Cape Cod and Annapolis, MD. USCG certification 49POBs. A 30 year legacy. (401) 644-8395 Peter@HerreshoffYachtSales.com
[Boat Handling Equipment For Sale] MARINASANDTRANSPORT.COM New & Pre-Owned. Hydraulic trailers, marina travel lifts, boat transport trailers, marina forklifts. Buy or sell boatyard equipment. (508) 758-9409 Nationwide Boat Transport boattransport@comcast.net
[Boat Handling Equipment For Sale] TRAVELIFT 2003 80BFM , 88 US Tons, John Deere diesel, both sling sets adjustable, jib boom by owner, 24' ICW, 24' ICH. (727) 422-5633
[Boat Handling Equipment Wanted] TRAVEL HOIST WANTED : 50 to 200 Ton needed. Any brand. Call: Mike Mazzeo (609) 263-6900 mikemazzeo@gantrytrading.com
[Boats For Sale] 1970 65' BREAUX BAY CRAFT. (2) 12V71N, Twin Disc 514C 2:1, 20KW Northern Lights generator, 1,900 gallons fuel capacity, 200 gallons water, bow thruster. $340,000. (203) 871-7576
[Boats For Sale] 25’ TRIDENT PONTOON COI for 12+2. 2018 hull, deck up rebuild in 2024. 150hp Suzuki, and trailer. $140k Coastal Virginia. For More Info cditcorp@yahoo.com
[Boats For Sale] 26' ALUMINUM CREWBOAT . Single GM 6V71-NA. Needs work. Gulf Coast. $20,000 OBO. (361) 727-3324 nmedina@coastalcrewboats.com
[Boats For Sale] 40FT LONG LINER Lyndsey hull with Duetz 1013 motor 7k ice hold with stabilizers. Garmin auto pilot, radar bottom machine $50,000 (727) 277-1483 shawn21@aol.com
[Boats For Sale] 68FT FIBERGLASS Desco shrimp boat $35,000. (3) 75FT Fiberglass shrimp boats, $80,000 or $140,000. (239) 728-1932
[Boats For Sale] AMERICAN PONTOON TOUR Boat COI 16/2. Used only 260 hours. Loaded and ready to work. $86,900 (716) 984-3834 bavista@roadrunner.com
[Boats For Sale] COI FIBERGLASS CATAMARAN . New custom build. Open delivery slots for 2025. We build passenger, work & house boats. Factory direct, starts at $240K. Call & text: (786) 397 9157 sales@anmboats.com www.ammanufacturing.com
[Boats For Sale] DOCK BUILDER SPECIAL . (2) Heavy duty aluminum vessels. 36' open crane boat, 10' work boat. Both on trailers, $25,000. Located in Northeast NC For details call (no text) (252) 358-1778
[Boats For Sale] GOOD STEEL BOATS made for work, self-bailing assist, utility and bridge construction boats. (508) 264-6863 www.americanworkboat.com
[Boats For Sale Or Charter] CREW BOATS & TUGBOATS For Sale or Charter. Jobsite Tugs 19' / 180 HP - 80' / 2,000 HP; Crewboats 19' / open - 65' / 30 passenger; Inboard I/O & OB, Bareboat or w/ Crew, located in Baltimore, MD. Contact: (410) 977-0028 smithequipment@verizon.net
[Boats Wanted] WANTED: 40 or 45 Corinthian with current COI. (305) 776-1485 gg22102@aol.com
[Business Opportunities] GOLD!! We Have A Project To Restart With A Goal Of Recovering 100,000 Gold Placer Oz. In 3-4 Full Seasons In The Shallow Waters Offshore Of Nome, AK. • We Seek Funding To Field A High-Capacity Rig. • We Also Seek 1-2 Large Marine-Dredging Contractors To Be Our Subcontractor. We Have Previously Conducted Bulk-Testing There. Full Documentation & Gold Sales Records To Qualified Entities. Please Text Your Co. Name, Interest & Email Address To: (848) 828-0087
[Business Opportunities] MYRTLE BEACH'S PREMIER Deep Sea Fishing & Dolphin Cruise Business. (3) Vessels. 90' Lydia, (3) new 13.5 liter John Deere engines, low hours. 90' Aluminum Swift Ship, (3) brand new 13.5 liter John Deere engines, zero hours. 65' Gillikin. All vessels turnkey condition, running daily. All COI's up-to-date. Owner wants to retire. Some financing available. Proven money maker. Any serious offers considered. Call Capt. Larry (910) 367-6417
[Business Opportunities] The Mackinac Island Transportation Authority is seeking responsible naval architectural firms to respond to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a Conceptual Ferryboat Design. RFQ responses are due April 4, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. The RFQ can be found at the Mackinac Island Transportation Authority’s website: mackinactransit.org
[Businesses For Sale] 52’ MILLER MARINE HULL #1. Rare Dual permitted 100 mile Oceans Route Commercial-Charter fishing business. 14K+ Red Snapper-Gag and Red Grouper IFQ available. Active Commercial Reef fish permit, VMS everything needed to comply with new Amendment 59 Federal Regulations. Fresh hull inspection, USCG certification 25 passengers, + Charter Reef fish and Pelagic permits. Vessel made completely new for 2024 fishing season. Just add bait and ice. Owner retiring. $1.4 million. Call (850) 527-4966; leave a message. www.Seminolewindfishing.com
[Businesses Wanted] FAMILY-OWNED OPERATOR Interested In acquiring established operations. Looking for businesses with a solid reputation, devoted team, and well-maintained equipment. Able to close quickly. Let's talk! (207) 221-2176
[Cranes For Sale] CRANE LIQUIDATORS, Buy/sell/trade, Cranes & crane boom, Cranes , crane boom, crane parts, crane attachments for sale, Crane boom repair/ crane parts, Call or email for all your crane, crane parts or Crane equipment needs! We buy cranes & crane booms, we buy scrap cranes, barges & winches Office: 281-961-0635 Email: sales@craneliquidators.com Www.craneliquidators.com Cranes, crane boom & jib sales
[Dredge Equipment For Sale] DREDGE EQUIPMENT - (2 ) 14"x12" Cat powered booster pumps, 700HP for sale or lease. 4,000' 12" SDR 17, 6,000' SDR 10", 12" ball joints. Call: (440) 840-3562
[Dredge Pipe For Sale] 2,000’ of 18” DR17 HDPE PIPE. 1,000’ is new and unused. The additional 1,000’ has only been used once and only 50,000 CV of sand run through it. Comes with flange adapters and backing rings. Paid $85,000 for everything. Asking $63,000. (55) 18” Neptune Pipe Floats w/ Foam & Clamp Tite Inserts. Used once for 2 weeks. Like new. Paid $63,000. Asking $43,000. (30) 24” Neptune Pipe Floats w/ Foam & Clamp Tite Inserts. Used once for 2 weeks. Like new. Paid $45,000. Asking $29,000. Located: San Diego, CA. Contact Walt at: (619) 359-9071 walt@pacificmaritimegroup.com
[Dredges For Sale] AAMCO DREDGE 14 "x12", Cat 3412 & 3306, 50' ladder, great condition. Turnkey. Reduced to $450,000. (215) 669-2966
[Dredges For Sale] USED DSC 12 " x 10" dredge with floats and 2600 feet of 12" pipe. Also 670 Ellicott Dredge Available Mid-February (772) 678-1661 Call for more information
[Engine Parts For Sale] (15) CAT 3126 CRANK SHAFTS. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engine Parts For Sale] (2) 3406 CRANK SHAFTS, brand new. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engine Parts For Sale] (2) 3406 HEAT EXCHANGERS, excellent condition. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engine Parts For Sale] (2) COMPLETE HEAT EXCHANGERS for C12 Caterpillar marine engines. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engine Parts For Sale] 3208 CAT PARTS (Large Selection): heads, exhaust manifolds, blocks, cranks, etc. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engine Parts For Sale] DETROIT 60 SERIES , used parts, large selection. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engine Parts For Sale] DIESEL ENGINE PARTS , Alco 539, 244, 251, Fairbanks, Cleveland, G.E., many others. Vintage 1940's, 1950's, 1960's, etc. Striegel Supply Inc. (425) 423-9100 sswanson@striegelsupply.com
[Engine Parts For Sale] NEW & USED Detroit Diesel Engine Parts, S53, 71, 92, and S60, heads, blocks, cylinder kits, injectors - EUI & MUI, ECM's, fuel pumps, manifolds, fresh and raw water pumps & much more. Also, selection of S110 & 149 parts; RBLT exchanged engines available. Leid Diesel Service 2952 W Carson City Rd. Sheridan, MI 48884 Ph: (616) 754-5871, Fax: (616) 754-8359
[Engine Parts For Sale] TURBOCHARGERS!!! 1 Year Warranty, Cat, Cummins, Yanmar, Perkins, Detroit Diesel, Volvo, MTU, ABB, MAN, EMD. Int'l Sales & Service. (305) 743-2920 ramturbo@bellsouth.net
[Engines And Gears For Sale] (2) DETROIT N -671 engines with left and right Twin Disc gears for sale. Gear ratio is 1.97.1 One engine has 931 hours and the second has 921 hours. Both engines have been serviced and run extensively. Neither is a beauty queen, but they run great. $5000.00 per engine OBO. Call (410) 255-4070
[Engines And Gears For Sale] 12V71 340 BHP at 1,800 RPM, takeout, good condition, and MG514 4.5:1 gear. Sold together or separate. kth.shannon@gmail.com
[Engines And Gears For Sale] MARINE CATERPILLAR TWIN disc engine and transmission, 400 HP w/ 11 RPM, used, $10,00 OBO. (724) 900-1029 s_meyerer@susdivers.com
[Engines And Gears For Sale] TWIN 471 DETROIT diesel, running take out, keel cooled, with 506 2 to 1 twin disc transmission. $8,000.00 for the paid. Call or Text (410) 708-3937
[Engines For Sale] (10) VOLVO KAMD 44's, hours range from 500-600. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 3126 CAT ’s, Diesel, 420 HP. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 3208 CAT NATURAL Marine's, 220 HP, RTO, excellent condition. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 3512 CATS , 11,000 HRS. Great running motors, RTO, very clean w/ screens. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 60 SERIES DETROIT, 475 HP, with screens. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 60 SERIES DETROITS, 500 HP, keel cooled, beautiful condition. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 60 SERIES DETROITS, 600 HP, heat exchange cooled. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 6BTA CUMMINS , 6 cylinder, 350 HP, super clean motors. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 6V71's , NATURAL. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 8.3 CUMMINS MECHANICAL, 350 HP each, great RTO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 855 CUMMINS , big cam, mechanical. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 855 CUMMINS , rebuilt by Cummins, small cam. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 892TA - 600 HP, 500 hours, fresh water. (2) Ford Sabers, 4 cylinder, 85 HP, Monel exhaust manifolds. (727) 742-4041
[Engines For Sale] (2) 8V2000 MTU 'S, 5,800 hours, good running motors. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) 8V92 DETROIT , very clean, low Hhours. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) CAT 3406 MECHANICAL, 500 HP with wiring harnesses & screens, low hours, clean, great RTO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) CUMMINS QSB , 355 HP, great running motors. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) D-DECK 12V71's. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) D6 VOLVOS , 375HP. (1) zero hours, (1) 150 hours. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) DETROIT 671TI 's, 435 HP, clean, with gauges. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) JOHN DEERE 4045, 4 cyl., good RTO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) LUGGER 6140 Propulsion Engines, RTO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) MAN V12 1000HP Engines with ZF BW155A gears 1.5:1 ratio running takeouts. All service up to date, rebuilt turbos and injector pumps. $45,000 Also available is complete set of Glendinning controls from helm levers to the engine room. (301) 343-9694 80wide@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) QSM11 CUMMINS , 670 HP, 1,500 hrs, w/ wiring harness & screens. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) QSM11 CUMMINS , good RTO, 450 HP. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (2) VOLVO 72S , good runners. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (3) 3208 CAT , 320HP, all excellent runners. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (3) MTU 2000 ENGINES. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (3) VOLVO 72B . (2) runners, (1) parts motor. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (4) AVAILABLE ULTRA jet drive 305HTH-00237, 200 hrs. from new. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] (5) 8V71's , NATURALS. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] (7) SCANIA DI16 V8, complete motors. Large selection: heat exchangers, heads, pumps, alternators, etc. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] 2 CAT 3116 , MECHANICAL, 1100 hours, recreational use, built in 2000, just removed from Grand Banks yacht in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. $7000 each, $13,000 for the pair. Call Chuck (508) 367-8800 ChasTuttle@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] 3208 CAT, 435 HP, turbo charged, good RTO, clean motor. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] 6 QSB 5 .9, 425HP, 0 hrs. from rebuilt. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] 6126 LUGGER Propulsion Engine. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] CATERPILLAR REBUILT marine engines: all models: 3116's, 3126's, 3208's, 3196's 3412's OEM parts and warranty. (617) 448-0812 twindiscgears@aol.com
[Engines For Sale] C12 CATERPILLAR ENGINE , 2012, excellent condition, good RTO, ready to work. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] CAT 3412E, Ser 9PW00832, 11,000 hrs since major overhaul, very good running condition. $23,500 (CAN funds). Call Sylvio at (506) 727-8765
[Engines For Sale] CAT D3412DITA PROPULSION ENGINE 60M, can be set for 624 to 720 HP, recently rebuilt, warranty available, call for price. (985) 893-1271
[Engines For Sale] CATERPILLAR 3056DI . Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] CATERPILLAR C30 MARINE Diesel with 1550hp and ZF Marine Gear. Very low hour engine with less than 600 hours on it. We do have access to a second engine for a PAIR. Priced at $115,995.00 for a Single with almost NEW Gear. Call or Text (407) 725-1257
[Engines For Sale] CATERPILLAR C7, 453HP , 2,787 hours from new. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] CUMMINS 6BTA, 5 .9, 315 HP, mechanical. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] CUMMINS 855 NTA , marine, 460HP @ 1,800RPM, 262 hrs. from new. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] CUMMINS KTA19 . Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] DETROIT MARINE 1271 Main Drive Engine. Rebuilt by Quality Diesel Services Inc, 0 service hours. Willing to hear best offer! Call (800) 482-6765 Ask for Jeffrey
[Engines For Sale] DETROIT MARINE 1271 Main Drive Engine. Rebuilt by Quality Diesel Services Inc, 0 service hours. Willing to hear best offer! Call (800) 482-6765 jeffreyducato@ampol.net Ask for Jeffrey
[Engines For Sale] DETROIT MARINE 371 Generator Engine. Rebuilt by Marine Systems Inc, 0 service hours. Willing to hear best offer! Call (800) 482-6765 Ask for Jeffrey
[Engines For Sale] DETROIT MARINE 371 Generator Engine. Rebuilt by Marine Systems Inc, 0 service hours. Willing to hear best offer! Call (800) 482-6765 jeffreyducato@ampol.net Ask for Jeffrey
[Engines For Sale] DETROIT MARINE DIESEL model PAIR set of (2) 6V92TA 550hp with Twin Disc 2.07 Gears. Running takeout complete with Westerbeke 12KW Generator. Priced at $22,995.00 for the Package. Call or Text (407) 725-1257
[Engines For Sale] JOHN DEERE 6068HFC28 , 175HP @ 2,350RPM. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] LUGGER L6170, 700HP @ 1,800RPM, heat exchanged, (2 available). Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] MAN 2848 LE403 great condition. 3500 hrs have pictures and video running, 25K obo. ZF trans 325-1A same hrs and condition, 10K obo. (860) 790-7304
[Engines For Sale] (2) MAN 8V , 1,200 HP, 2022, Tier 3. (1) runner, (1) parts engine. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] PAIR 3208's , 375 HP, excellent condition, top end rebuild 900 hours ago, includes screens & wiring. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] PAIR DETROIT 6V71TI motors, twin turbo, 450 HP, good RTO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] PAIR OF CATERPILLAR 3406C, 365HP @1,800. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] PAIR OF CATERPILLAR 3512B, rebuilt marine engine, 1,500HP. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] PAIR OF CUMMINS 6CTA, 350HP, low hrs. with Twin Disc. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] PAIR OF MITSUBISHI S12A2, 850HP @ 1,940RPM. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] PAIR OF MITSUBISHI S6R, 590HP @ 1,600RPM. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] PAIR OF REBUILT Cummins 6BT, 370HP. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] PAIR OF USED Detroit diesel series 60 marine engines, 475HP @ 1,800, heat exchanger cooled. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] PAIR, SET OF (2) Cummins Marine 6bta 5.9 300hp with NEW ZF 2.5-1 gears. One low hour Runner, one re-manufactured engine with 5 hours only on it. Priced at $22,995.00 for the PAIR. Call or TEXT (407) 725-1257
[Engines For Sale] PARI OF MITSUBISHI S16R-PTA, 2150 @ 1800 RPM, model year 2000, under 500 hours from new. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] QSM11 CUMMINS, 660 HP, runs excellent, 1,950 actual hours. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] QSM11, 635 HP , 3,500 hours original, good RTO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] REBUILT 3126 CAT mechanical, 420 HP. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] REBUILT CATERPILLAR 3508 , 850HP marine engine @ 1,800 RPM. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] REBUILT DETROIT DIESEL engines - 4-71's, 6-71's, 8-71's, 8V92's, 12V71's. Marine, industrial or automotive. Power units. Also Allison or Twin Disc marine gears. A complete line of Cummins parts and engines. We are authorized Detroit and Cummins "Dealers". Special discounts for large quantity orders. We have a full inventory of rebuilt engines ready for delivery. For more info. contact: Johnson's Diesel Service, Inc. (228) 392-1311 or 12262 Parker Creek Rd. Biloxi, MS 39532 Fax number (228) 392-0096
[Engines For Sale] RTO CATERPILLAR 3516 mechanical 1,800HP. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] RTO CUMMINS 6BT , 180HP. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Engines For Sale] SCANIA D16, excellent runner, 600 HP. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] VOLVO 41 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines For Sale] VOLVO TMD 120A , 325 HP. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Engines Wanted] ALWAYS BUYING Caterpillar , Cummins and Detroit diesel engines, any condition. Matt / Randy: (307) 885-4724
[Fuel Tanks For Sale] PORTABLE FUEL TANK 1,000 Gal Capacity Mfg 2004. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gear Parts For Sale] LARGE INVENTORY of New, Used, Obsolete & Rebuilt Transmission Parts & Related Accessories. Stocking: dampers, couplings, oil coolers, heat exchangers, suredrives, & Globe impellers, mounts & drivesavers. Up to 50% off on used items. Transmission Marine, Inc. (800) 462-8848 ext. 435 Visit: www.marinegears.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) 5061, 2 .5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) 5061-A , 1.75:1, Rated HP 500. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) 507-1 , 1.98:1, with trolling valve, super clean gear. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) 514C, 2 :1, GOOD RTO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) 527, 4 :1, REBUILT. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) 540, 6 :1 RATIO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) 7271, 6 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) ALLGIRE UNIVERSAL POWER Drives. Both are port units with 2.7:1 ratios. 34x24, three blade bronze propellers included. $2,500 each. Ron (989) 271-8476
[Gears For Sale] (2) BW165A, 2 .517:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) MG 527 , 3.86:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) MG5061's , 1.48:1, good RTO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) MG5075A, 2 .53:1, new, still in box. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) MG514B, 2 .5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) MG516, 6 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) MG 521 3:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) MG 521 4:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) MG521's , 4.08:1, nice clean set. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) MG530's , 4.04:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) MODEL MGNV272X -1, 1.66:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) TWIN DISC 5091SC's, 1.71:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) TWIN DISC 5095A's, 2:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) TWIN DISC 5114SC, 2.04:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) TWIN DISC 514C, 1.5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) TWIN DISC 518, 5.07:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) TWIN DISC MG502's, 2:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) TWIN DISC MG5065, 1.47:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) TWIN DISC MG509's, 2:1, excellent condition. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) TWIN DISC MG510A's, 2:1, RTO, great condition. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) TWIN DISC MGX-5095A's, quick shift, 2.48:1, like new. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) V-DRIVE DD-5112AC's, 1.52:1 ratio. Twin Disc, never used. (2) 892TA, 600 HP, 500 hrs, fresh water. Frank: (727) 742-4041
[Gears For Sale] (2) ZF 2555V V-DRIVES, 2.536:1A, down angle w/ drive shafts, excellent condition. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) ZF 325 -1A, 2.037:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) ZF 325IV , V-DRIVE, Ratio 2:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) ZF 350 , 5:1 RATIO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) ZF 7650 ’s, 2.193:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) ZF BW195 , 2.57:1, 1,200 HP rated. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) ZF IRM220A , 1.5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (2) ZF MODEL #BW466, 4.5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (3) MG514C, 2 .5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (3) ZF 2050A 's, ZERO HOUSING. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (6) 509, 3 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] (6) 518, 2 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 507, 2:1 , REBUILT. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 507, 1.5 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 507, 2.5 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 507, 3:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 510A, 3:1 , (2) available. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 5111, 2.54 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 5111A, 1.923 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 5114, 3:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 5114A, 1.50 :1, RTO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 5114A, 1.75 :1, RTO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 5114A, 2:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 5114C, 2.5 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 5114SC, 2.5 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 5114SC, 3:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 5135A, 1.79 :1, GOOD RTO, nice & clean. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 514, 3:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 514B, 4:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 514C, 3:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 516, 4.5 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 516, 5:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 518, 4:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 521, 3.5 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] 540, 7:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ALLISON GEARS, large selection, multiple ratios, call for ratios. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] BW191, 4.05 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC GEARS: new, surplus, rebuilt. OEM warranty, all models, dealer pricing. (617) 448-0812 twindiscgears@aol.com
[Gears For Sale] CAT 7241 3 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] CAT 7251, 3 .25:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] CAT 7251, 4 .5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] CAT 7251, 4 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] CAT 7261, 4 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG 530, 4 .95:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG 540, 3 .87:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG 540, 4 .60:1, Good RTO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG506-1, 1 .97:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG506-1, 2 .47:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG5061A, 1.13 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG5065A, 2:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG5111, 2.36 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG514C, 4.5 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG514DC, 4.5 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG5170, 6:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG520 5:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG520 6:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG527, 5:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG5600, 6:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] MG5600, 7:1 . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] NEW TWIN DISC MGX5065A, 2.04:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] NEW TWIN DISC MGX5065A, 2.43:1, Bell Housing #3 (2 available). Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] PAIR OF TWIN DISC MG514B, 4.5:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] PAIR OF TWIN DISC MG520, 5:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] PAIR OF TWIN DISC MG540, 7:1, (3). Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] REBUILT MG-521 Marine Twin Disc Clutch. Rebuilt by Sewart Supply, 0 service hours. Willing to hear best offer! Call (800) 482-6765 Ask for Jeffrey
[Gears For Sale] REBUILT MG-521 Marine Twin Disc Clutch. Rebuilt by Sewart Supply, 0 service hours. Willing to hear best offer! Call (800) 482-6765 jeffreyducato@ampol.net Ask for Jeffrey
[Gears For Sale] New Orleans, LA . Twin Disc: all torque converters CF 10,000 series; gears (MG509, 512, 514, 520, 521, 527, 540) all ratio, exchange or outright! Free tear down with itemized rebuild quote, don't be fooled by half rebuilders. RMISERVICES.COM (504) 347-4361
[Gears For Sale] TONANCO / TONAN, 3 :1, good RTO. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] TORSIONAL COUPLING SIZE 11.5". Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC 506 , 2.5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC 5114A , 2.5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG502 , 2.5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG502V , 2:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG5050SC , 2.43:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG506 LHP, 2:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG506 , 2.5:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG507 , 2.99:1, (2 available). Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG507 , 2:1, (2 available). Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG507 -1, 1.75:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG5075 , 1.16:1 (2 available). Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG5075 , 2:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG5075A , 1.77:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG5085A , 2.43:1, SAE #3 Bell Housing. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG509 , 1.5:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG509 , 2.5:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG509 , 2:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG509 , 3:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG509 , 4.5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG510A , 1.48:1, rebuilt. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG5114A , 1.92:1 (2 available). Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG514 , 6:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG5145A , 1.96:1 (2 available). Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG514B , 2:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG514B , 4:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG514C , 3:1, (2 available). Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG514C , 5:1, rebuilt. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG5170 , 6.5:1, rebuilt (2 available). Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG518 , 3:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC MG540 , 4.60:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] V-DRIVE 5062V , 2:1, NEW. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] VELVET DRIVE By Borg-Warner, Hurth, Capitol, Paragon, Twin Disc, Newage, Walter, Crusader V-drives, BPM, PCM & ZF, large inventory of new & rebuilt units. Complete repair facility with factory trained technicians! Transmission Marine, Inc. (800) 462-8848 ext. 427 Visit: www.marinegears.com
[Gears For Sale] TWIN DISC & ZF, new or rebuilt, All models, OEM warranty. Torsional couplings and coolers. (617) 448-0812 twindiscgears@aol.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 220, 3 :1, USED. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 280-1 , 1.514:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 280-1 , 2:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 280-1 , 1.3:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 280PL, 2 .47:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 280PL, 3 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 286IV V -DRIVE, Excellent Condition. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 305-3A , RATIO 2.179:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 350, 2 .5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 350A, 2 .07:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 350A, 2 .5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 350IV, 2 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 510A, 1 .774:1, electric shift. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 63A, 1 .56:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 63A, 2 .5:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 63A, 2 :1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 68IV, 2 :1, NEW. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 80A, 1 .6:1 Ratio. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF 85A, 1 .6:1 Ratio. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF BW165P2, 1 .75:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF IRM301 A1 , 2:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF IRM350AL, 1 .285:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF IRM350PL, 2 .077:1. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF MARINE GEARS: any model and ratio at dealer pricing. Call: (617) 448-0812 twindiscgears@aol.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF W2350, 4 .44:1, good running takeout. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF220A, 2:1 , good condition. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF280A 1.34 :1, ZF220A 2.50:1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF311A, 2:1 (2 available). Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Gears For Sale] ZF80IV, 1.60 :1. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Generator Parts For Sale] (2) 40 KW GENERATORS, backend. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generator Parts For Sale] GENERATOR END ONLY , 100 KW. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] (2) 150 KW NORTHERN LIGHTS Gens. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] (2) 150 KW , CUMMINS ENG. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] (2) 200 KW , CUMMINS ENG. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] (2) 27 KW GENERATORS, low hour, like new, beautiful condition. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] (2) 90 KW ONAN GENS, powered by 6BT turbo diesel Cummins, beautiful condition, w/controls, wiring harness & more. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] (2) CAT 2 .2 20KW Marine generators. 3500 hours each. No sound shields. $4,500 each. Beaufort, NC. (252) 725-0544
[Generators For Sale] 11 KW 2017 ISUZU, diesel, single phase. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] 150 KW GENERATOR with 3208 Caterpillar, Low Hours, Self-Contained on sled on a trailer. 110V to 440V $9500 in Oriental,NC (518) 657-1348
[Generators For Sale] 20 KW NORTHERN LIGHTS, 3,200 original hours. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] 30 KW NORTHERN LIGHTS, powered by Mitsubishi 944 motor, good clean unit. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] 300KW GENERATOR END only, 262 hrs. from new, $3,500. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Generators For Sale] 32 KW NORTHERN LIGHTS, 3,500 hours. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] 350KW GENERATOR END only, 1,000 hrs. from new, came off Caterpillar, $4,000. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Generators For Sale] 40 KW NORTHERN LIGHTS, 3 Phase, powered by 4045 John Deere, good clean runner. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] 50KW GENERATOR BACKEND . SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] 5 KW NORTHERN LIGHTS. Brand new, never ran. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] 8 KW LUGGER , DIESEL, runs excellent. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] CATERPILLAR 3408DITA (B ) marine genset, 530HP, 350kW @ 1,800, 1,004 hrs. from new. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Generators For Sale] CATERPILLAR 3516DITA, 2 ,000 KW, 800 hours from new, comes with remote radiator. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Generators For Sale] CUMMINS 6BTA, 90KW , marine or industrial. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Generators For Sale] CUMMINS DFEG7582872, 350KW , radiator cooled, enclosure in fuel tank, good condition. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Generators For Sale] CUMMINS QSC9, 220KW , radiator cooled, 200 hrs. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Generators For Sale] JOHN DEERE 6068 , 100KW. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Generators For Sale] KUBOTA 20KW GENERATOR , runs great. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] ONAN 1 PHASE , 15KW marine. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Generators For Sale] PHASER 30 KW , KUBOTA powered engine, 3 phase, tier 3. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Generators For Sale] REBUILT DELCO 30 KW GENERATOR. 3 Phase 30 KW AC Delco generator, 0 service hours 1800 RPM. Willing to hear best offer! Call (800) 482-6765 Ask for Jeffrey
[Generators For Sale] REBUILT DELCO 30 KW GENERATOR. 3 Phase 30 KW AC Delco generator, 0 service hours 1800 RPM. Willing to hear best offer! Call (800) 482-6765 jeffreyducato@ampol.net Ask for Jeffrey
[Generators For Sale] USED NORTHERN LIGHTS generator, M65C marine, keel cooled, only 1500 hours. Peninsula Diesel (831) 633-1345 haipdiesel@yahoo.com
[Generators For Sale] WESTERBEKE 5 KW GEN w/ screen, good running unit, 3 cyl. diesel. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Help Wanted] CAPTAIN NEEDED, 100 Ton Passenger vessel. Fishing & cruises. Very nice boat. Good pay. Lots of work. Myrtle Beach, SC area. Full-time work. Call Capt. Larry: (910) 367-6417
[Help Wanted] CAPTAIN WANTED: Harbor Towns Inc. 120 passenger dinner cruise paddle wheeler needs a captain for the 2025 season. April 15th till November 30th, with the possibility of extending the season. We're based in beautiful Edenton, NC on the Albemarle Sound and cruise the historic towns and rivers of the Albemarle at five speedy knots. We normally schedule between 7 and 10 cruises a month with a few days to get from town. If you're ready for a relaxed lifestyle in a beautiful historic town, please contact us at: Pytsue@gmail.com or phone Peter Thomson (252) 267-4154.
[Help Wanted] MASTER 200 TON minimum with towing endorsement needed for dredging and towing on the Great Lakes. Send resume to: rybamarine@rybamarine.com or mail to: PO Box 265, Cheboygan, MI 49721 or call: (231) 627-4333 Ext. 10
[Jet Drives For Sale] NORTH AMERICAN MARINE JET, stainless steel, 14" impeller, out-board model, set up for 220 Cummins, manual shift. $2,500. Call or Text: (410) 708-3937
[Jet Drives For Sale] NORTH AMERICAN MARINE JET, stainless steel, 20" impeller, in-board model, impellered for 500 hsp. Complete unit with controls. $5,000. Call or Text: (410) 708-3937
[Marinas For Sale] RIVERSIDE NJ, 7 .5 AC, Service blds, restaurant, steel bulkheads, concrete ramp, redevelopment plan for +60 condos. Call (732) 600-9005
[Marine Services Offered] NEW YORK METRO Area: Mobe/Demobe of contracting equipment on/off barges. Topside repairs: welding, painting, sandblasting, etc. Used marine/industrial equipment for sale in our salvage yard, must visit! Heavy lift salvage recovery and removal. Contact: (516) 527-4951 Visit us online: gladskymarine.com
[Marine Shipping Containers] CARGO CONTAINERS 20' 40' 45' WHOLESALE PRICING New / Used Tiltbed Delivery Available Serving US Southeast, Northeast, Midwest & Gulf 866.MY.CONEX www.awolcontainers.com
[Marine Surveyors] MARINE SURVEYORS ALUMINUM and steel hulls NDT testing, condition and value surveys, corrosion surveys, hull preventative maintenance training programs. Serving US and Caribbean. (781) 405-9911
[Miscellaneous For Sale] MISCELLANEOUS PIECES from 80' shrimp boat. 1271 engine w/ 514 Twin Disc 6:1. Keel cooled setup. Industrial front mount PTO clutch. (3) Drum fish winches. 5'6" diameter (4) blade propeller. 20'x4" stainless steel propeller shaft. Port holes & miscellaneous pieces. John: (516) 527-4951
[Miscellaneous For Sale] USED GM ENGINES For Sale. Used 671's, 8V71's, V12's, V16's, and used pumps & generators. Large or small starting @ $2,000. For pictures and specs & more marine misc. equipment. Call: (956) 943-2648 or visit our website: www.marineservice.us
[Mufflers For Sale] VERNATONE ROUND fiberglass wet exhaust marine mufflers, 8" like new. Have (4) $1,200 in Oriental, NC. (518) 657-1348
[Permits For Lease] GULF OF MEXICO charter fishing permits available for lease. Both Reef and pelagic permits available for lease. Gulf Reef fish & king mackerel permit also available for lease. For info. please contact: (305) 797-5247
[Permits For Sale] 28 PASSENGER GULF Charter/Headboat for migratory and reef permits, just renewed. $80,000. Please text or leave message. (850) 830-3619
[Permits For Sale] CAN LOCATE ANY Permit, Commercial or Charter. 28, 33, 48 Passenger charter permits available now. (361) 356-1172 permits@greatsageinc.com
[Permits Wanted] FULL PERMIT SERVICES : Buy, Sell, Renew, Transfer, Broker your federal fisheries permits. File no fish reports, vessel documentation, VMS activation. Expired permit solutions. (361) 356-1172
[Permits Wanted] I BUY AND SELL South Atlantic Snapper / Grouper, Gulf Reef Comm. & Charter, King Mac, others. Dave: (904) 708-0893, (904) 262-2869
[Piling For Sale] STEEL PIPE FOR piling, spuds, dredging, etc. See our display ad in this issue. (800) 238-7473 www.crestwoodtubulars.com
[Propeller Shafting For Sale] BOAT SHAFTING 3 /4" to 29" diameter, various lengths and metals. (337) 849-4547
[Propeller Shafting For Sale] BOAT SHAFTING, Up to 6", bar stock or machined as required, will ship worldwide. Lauderdale Propeller, deep discounts. (800) 329-7767
[Propeller Shafting For Sale] SHAFTING, ALL SIZES , Bar stock or machined. Best pricing! Frank & Jimmie's Propeller (800) 228-6077
[Propellers For Sale] 28x30 PROPELLER, (3 ) BLADE, stainless steel, heavy duty. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Propellers For Sale] 33x32 PROPELLER, RH , (3) blade, stainless steel, heavy duty. SoCal Marine Supply (619) 549-9435 socalmarinesupply@gmail.com
[Propellers For Sale] BEST BUILT BRONZE & NIBRAL Propellers anywhere today. Reconditions & holds Pitch for years. No Taiwan junk that turns rust pink in one year. (617) 448-0812 twindiscgears@aol.com
[Propellers For Sale] NEW & USED PROPELLERS to 36" diameter. New Cabo Yacht SS shafts & bronze stuffing boxes. Tons engine room accessories etc. 2,000 good used sails. minneys@aol.com or minneysyachtsurplus.com
[Propellers For Sale] NEW & USED PROPELLERS . Call for availability & pricing. Best prices & service. Various sizes, styles & metals. Used & reconditioned. Johnny's Propeller Shop (985) 384-6940
[Propellers For Sale] NEW AND USED Propellers For Sale. Large inventory available in BRZ, Nibral, and stainless steel. New nozzles also available. Call Texas Wheel Works, Inc. (800) 238-9402 or Fax: (409) 984-5690
[Propellers For Sale] OVER 1,000 USED Propellers. See listings w/ photos at www.fjprop.com. Largest inventory of new propellers. Frank & Jimmie's Propeller (800) 228-6077
[Propellers For Sale] PROPELLERS AND NOZZLES , various conditions and metals 18" to 180". Best buys! Spirit Marine: (337) 849-4547 Email: ken@spiritmarine.org
[Propellers Wanted] PROPELLERS WANTED 20 " and up, any condition or metals. (337) 849-4547 Email: ken@spiritmarine.org
[Propellers Wanted] PROPELLERS WANTED: 26 " and Up. Any Material. Please call Texas Wheel Works, Inc. (800) 238-9402 or Fax: (409) 984-5690
[Propellers Wanted] WE BUY PROPELLERS . Any material or condition. 20" & up. Johnny's Propeller Shop (985) 384-6940
[Shipyards For Sale] Burton Shipyard Inc. For Sale In Business Since 1987 Bridge City, Texas 30 Acres • Office Building W/ 2 Floating Dry Docks: 800 Ton And 600 Ton, 58 Feet Between The Wing Walls. 2-Slips: 1,000 Feet Long And 150 Feet Wide And 1,000 Feet Long And 100 Feet Wide. CALL NOW: (281) 635-7151 Email: marineone1st@yahoo.com https://youtu.be/X8bOiETDfL0
[Submarines For Sale] FULLY OPERATIONAL DIESEL Electric Submarine 28', new composite construction Seawolf class design, working periscope and snorkel. Call or text Sam (732) 920-5275.
[Tugboats For Sale] EX-ARMY TUGBOAT FOR SALE: 69'11¾" x 19'6". Conventional model hull configuration. Boat registration: current. 600HP, Built: 1956 by Smith Basin Dry Dock Co. for US Army. Fuel Capacity: 5844 gal /1500 gal potable water. All welded steel, in “sweet” water; Kingston, NY. As is. Price: $100K. Boats@clocktowerproperties.com
[Vacation Rentals] KEY LARGO COTTAGES bay front Sun Set Cove. Free w/ cottage: paddleboards, kayaking, sailing, bicycles, fishing, snorkeling. Also available: diving, sunset sails, ECO tours, sailing lessons, pirate ship rides. (305) 451-3438 or Email: keylargocottages@keylimesailingclub.com
[Vessels For Charter] VESSELS AVAILABLE FOR Charter. Spud, crane, deck, hopper, ABS, dump scow, flexifloat barges. Eastern seaboard. Crane barge service available New York and Boston Harbor. Marine project mobilization. Call: (888) MRBARGE www.sterlingequipment.com
[Vessels For Charter] WEST COAST CREW boats for charter, bareboat or crewed, vessels are on standby in California. EXPLORATION Marine Services (505) 585-1916
[Vessels For Sale] UTILITY VESSEL FOR SALE, 120ft LOA with crane on board, GM 16-71 main engines and 4-71 gensets. All asking price $250,000. Email: skarnakis@astillerobayano.com